
研究领域:1. 生物辐射剂量计2. 纳米辐射敏感材料3. 核辐射测量技术和探测器

张海黔:男,毕业于南京大学核物理专业,师从王广厚院士,进行材料的辐照效应、团簇制备及其性质的研究工作, 获得博士学位。曾在日本、美国从事过微纳米探测器的相关研究工作, 特别是发展了基于表面等离激元共振技术的高灵敏探测方法,并成功地应用于溶液中的微量元素和各种分子的测量。现为南京航空航天大学核科学与工程系教授、博士生导师。目前正在从事辐射效应研究和辐射探测器的研制工作,利用表面等离激元共振技术研究辐射生物效应。至今,已在Environmental Science & Technology,Nano Lett., Appl. Phy. Lett.,Rev. of Sci. Instru. 等国际杂志上发表论文70余篇。申请专利10项,已经授权8项 。


1990/09-1993/07,南京大学,物理系, 博士

1987/09-1990/07,南京大学,物理系, 硕士



2004/01-至今, 南京航空航天大学, 材料学院、核科学与工程系, 教授








 1.Zhang, X., X. Min, A. Wang, Z. Lou, Y. Zhang, X. Hu, and H. Zhang, Development of a Serum Copper-Based Biological Dosimetry in Whole Body Gamma Irradiation of Mice. Health Physics, 2013. 105: p. 351-355.

2.Zhang, X., Z. Lou, A. Wang, and H. Zhang, Detection of DNA strand breaks in gamma-     irradiated lymphocytes using surface plasmon resonance. Radiation Research, 2013. 180: p. 351-359.

3.Zhang, X., Z. Lou, A. Wang, X. Hu, and Zhang. HQ, New Development of Serum Iron for Biological Dosimetry in Mice. Radiation Research, 2013. 179: p. 684-689.


5.Lou, Z., X. Zhang, and H. Zhang, gamma-Radiation Synthesis of Nano/Micrometer-Scale Single-Crystalline Large Gold Plates. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012. 12(4): p. 3142-3149.

6.Cao, D.M., X.H. Zhang, S.Y. Zhao, Y. Guan, and H.Q. Zhang, Appropriate Dose for Degradation of Levofloxacin Lactate: Gamma Radiolysis and Assessment of Degradation Product Activity and Cytotoxicity. Environmental Engineering Science, 2011. 28(3): p. 183-189.

7.Li, Y.Y., X.X. Wang, X. Dong, Z.P. He, and H.Q. Zhang, Amperometric glucose biosensor based on gold nanorods and chitosan comodified Au electrode. Rare Metals, 2010. 29(3): p. 238-242.

8.Li, Y.Y., Z.P. He, P.G. Zhang, J.S. Gao, C.W. Cheng, and H.Q. Zhang, Preparation of Photocontrollable, Nontoxicity Complex of Phenylazophenylalanine Modified CdS Quantum Dots with Cyclodextrin. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2010. 10(1): p. 520-524.

9.Li, Y.Y., X.A. Dong, C.W. Cheng, F. Xue, J.S. Gao, and H.Q. Zhang, Phtocatalytic Properties of ZnS/Ag Composite Nanowires Prepared by Hydrothermal Method. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2010. 39(8): p. 1380-1384.

10.Gao, J.S., Q.H. Zhao, T.Z. Shi, G.Q. Huang, L. Xu, X.G. Du, and H.Q. Zhang, Study on synthesis, characterization and self-assemble nanotubes of a new asymmetrical nickel phthalocyanine. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010. 12(7): p. 1562-1565.

11.Gao, J.S., T.Z. Shi, Q.H. Zhao, X.G. Du, and H.Q. Zhang, Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of a New Asymmetrical Nickel Phthalocyanine. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2010. 31(8): p. 1585-1589.

12.Gao, J.S., C.W. Cheng, X.C. Zhou, Y.Y. Li, X.Q. Xu, X.G. Du, and H.Q. Zhang, Synthesis of size controllable cu-phthalocyanine nanofibers by simple solvent diffusion method and their electrochemical properties. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010. 342(2): p. 225-228.

13.Zhou, X.C., H.Q. Zhang, C.W. Cheng, J.S. Gao, G.Y. Xu, Y.Y. Li, and Y. Luo, First-principles study of structural, electronic and elastic properties of diboride of vanadium. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2009. 404(8-11): p. 1527-1531.

14.Song, J.K., M.B. Zheng, Z.J. Yang, H.Q. Chen, H.Y. Wang, J.S. Liu, G.B. Ji, H.Q. Zhang, and J.M. Cao, Synthesis of Novel Flower-Like Zn(OH)F via a Microwave-Assisted Ionic Liquid Route and Transformation into Nanoporous ZnO by Heat Treatment. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2009. 4(12): p. 1512-1516.

15.Li, Y.Y., X. Dong, J.S. Gao, D.Q. Hei, X.C. Zhou, and H.Q. Zhang, A highly sensitive gamma-radiation dosimeter based on the CeO2 nanowires. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2009. 41(8): p. 1550-1553.

16.Li, Y.Y., X. Dong, C.W. Cheng, X.C. Zho, P.G. Zhang, J.S. Gao, and H.Q. Zhang, Fabrication of ZnO nanorod array-based photodetector with high sensitivity to ultraviolet. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2009. 404(21): p. 4282-4285.

17.Hu, X.D., L.J. Pan, and H.Q. Zhang, Solvothermal Synthesis of CdS Nanocrystals with Organic Sulphur Source. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009. 25(6): p. 1011-1017.

18.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, and K. Shen, Fabricating Near Infrared Photodetectors Utilizing PbSe Nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009. 9(3): p. 1760-1765.

19.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, and H.Q. Zhang, Facile solvothermal synthesis of nanostructured PbSe with anisotropic shape: Nanocubes, submicrometer cubes and truncated octahedron. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009. 311(5): p. 1285-1290.

20.Cheng, C.W., J.S. Gao, G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, and Y. Luo, Fabricating Photoswitches and Field-Effect Transistors from Self-Assembled Tetra(2-isopropyl-5-methyphenoxy) Copper Phthalocyanines Nanowires. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009. 9(5): p. 2836-2840.

21.Zhang, P.G., C.W. Cheng, P.P. Hao, Y.Y. Li, Z.P. He, and H.Q. Zhang, Well improved photoswitching characteristic of CdSe nanorods via CdS nanoparticle-decoration. Materials Letters, 2008. 62(8-9): p. 1151-1154.

22.Li, Y.Y., Z.Y. Jiang, J.Q. Chen, H.L. Li, and H.Q. Zhang, Environment-Friendly Determination of Low Concentration Azobenzene beta-Cyclodextrin-Modified Electrode. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2008. 21(6): p. 479-484.

23.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, Y. Luo, and Y.Y. Li, Solution synthesis, optical and magnetic properties of Zn1-xCoxO nanowires. Materials Letters, 2008. 62(21-22): p. 3733-3735.

24.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, and Y. Luo, Hydrothermal synthesis Ni-doped ZnO nanorods with room-temperature ferromagnetism. Materials Letters, 2008. 62(10-11): p. 1617-1620.

25.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, Y. Luo, and P.G. Zhang, A simple route to synthesize multiform structures of tin oxide nanobelts and optical properties investigation. Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2008. 147(1): p. 79-83.

26.Cheng, C.W., G. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, Y. Luo, P.G. Zhang, and K. Shen, Facile synthesis, optical and photoconductive properties of novel ZnO nanocones. Materials Research Bulletin, 2008. 43(12): p. 3506-3513.

27.Zhang, P.G., D.C. Yu, C.W. Cheng, Z.P. He, X.H. Mang, H.L. Li, and H.Q. Zhang, Folate-receptor targeted CdS quantum dots for identifying tumor cell HepG(2). Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007. 23: p. 1662-1666.

28.Wang, Y., W.P. Qian, Y. Tan, S.H. Ding, and H.Q. Zhang, Direct electrochemistry and electroanalysis of hemoglobin adsorbed in self-assembled films of gold nanoshells. Talanta, 2007. 72(3): p. 1134-1140.

29.Kang, B., Y.D. Dai, H.Q. Zhang, and D. Chen, Synergetic degradation of chitosan with gamma radiation and hydrogen peroxide. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2007. 92(3): p. 359-362.

30.Jiao, P.P. and H.Q. Zhang, Solvothermal synthesis of CdSe nanowires assisted with polyacrylamide. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007. 22: p. 838-842.

31.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, and Y. Luo, Fabricating ZnO nanorods sensor for chemical gas detection at room temperature. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007. 7(12): p. 4439-4442.

32.Xu, G.Y., H. Wang, C.W. Cheng, H.Q. Zhang, J.M. Cao, and G.B. Ji, Synthesis of single crystalline CdS nanowires with polyethylene glycol 400 as inducing template. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006. 16(1): p. 105-109.

33.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, H. Wang, J.M. Cao, and H.M. Ji, Solvothermal synthesis and photoluminescence properties of single-crystal Mn2+ doped US nanowires. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2006. 97(2-3): p. 448-451.

34.Cheng, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, J.M. Cao, P.P. Jiao, and X.X. Wang, Low-temperature synthesis and optical properties of wurtzite ZnS nanowires. Materials Letters, 2006. 60(29-30): p. 3561-3564.

35.Forzani, E.S., H.Q. Zhang, W. Chen, and N.J. Tao, Detection of heavy metal ions in drinking water using a high-resolution differential surface plasmon resonance sensor. Environmental Science & Technology, 2005. 39(5): p. 1257-1262.

36.Chang, C.W., G.Y. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, J.H. Zhou, J.M. Cao, and Y.Y. Li, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of single-crystal Mn-cloped CdS nanowires. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2005. 230: p. 452-INOR.

37.Zhang, H.Q., E. Forzani, and N.J. Tao, Detection of heavy metal ions with a high-resolution differential surface plasmon resonance sensor. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2004. 227: p. U1258-U1258.

38.Zhang, H.Q., S. Boussaad, N. Ly, and N.J.J. Tao, Magnetic-field-assisted assembly of metal/polymer/metal junction sensors. Applied Physics Letters, 2004. 84(1): p. 133-135.

39.Wang, H., G.Y. Xu, and H.Q. Zhang, Solvothermal synthesis of single crystalline CdS nanowires with PEG-400 as template. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2004. 228: p. 195-INOR.

40.Forzani, E.S., H.Q. Zhang, L.A. Nagahara, I. Amlani, R. Tsui, and N.J. Tao, A conducting polymer nanojunction sensor for glucose detection. Nano Letters, 2004. 4(9): p. 1785-1788.

41.Ashcroft, B., B. Takulapalli, J. Yang, G.M. Laws, H.Q. Zhang, N.J. Tao, S. Lindsay, D. Gust, and T.J. Thornton, Calibration of a pH sensitive buried channel silicon-on-insulator MOSFET for sensor applications. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, 2004. 241(10): p. 2291-2296.

42.Zhang, H.Q., N.H. Ly, S. Boussaad, and N.J.J. Tao, Oligopeptide functionalized conducting polymer nanojunctions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2003. 226: p. 281-PMSE.

43.Zhang, H.Q., S. Boussaad, and N.J. Tao, High-performance differential surface plasmon resonance sensor using quadrant cell photodetector. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2003. 74(1): p. 150-153.

44.Takulapalli, B.R., T.J. Thornton, D. Gust, B. Ashcroft, S.M. Lindsay, H.Q. Zhang, and N.J. Tao, The pH response of a silicon-on-insulator MOSFET with an integrated nanofluidic cell. 2003 Ieee International Soi Conference, Proceedings, 2003: p. 114-116.

45.Ly, N.H., H.Q. Zhang, S. Boussaad, and N.J. Tao, Magnetic field-assisted assembly of electrically connected conducting polymer nanojunctions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2003. 226: p. 183-PMSE.






