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我院材料科学与工程系Ali Zavabeti教授做学术报告


 411日,材料科学与技术学院Ali Zavabeti教授在材料学院301会议室应邀做主题为“Atomically thin interface of room temperature liquid metals as functional nanomaterial”的学术报告。此次报告由周金堂副教授主持,近五十余师生参与了此次报告。

Ali Zavabeti教授详细地介绍了液态金属的自限效应、液态金属与气体和液体之间的作用以及如何利用液态金属生产出二维材料,并通过视频生动形象地向同学们展示了通过液态金属生成二维材料的过程。在报告结束后,Ali Zavabeti教授与同学们进行了热烈的讨论,并对同学们的问题做出了详细解释。最后,周金堂副教授总结了报告内容并再次对Ali Zavabeti教授表示感谢,宣布此次报告圆满结束。


Ali Zavabeti教授本科和研究生毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学,博士毕业于澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学,主要从事功能材料与新材料的研究,围绕纳米材料的制备与应用取得了丰富的科研成果。近三年内,Ali教授以第一作者在ScienceNature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical SocietyAdvanced Functional Materials上发表学术论文各一篇,并在Nano EnergyNano LettersACS NanoTop期刊上合作发表论文20余篇。相关科研成果因其极高的新颖性、创新性和实用性而获得Materials TodayNature World NewsYahooAmazonChina NewsScience News和新华网等几十家知名网站的广泛报道。此外,Ali博士曾于世界500强企业ABB公司工作7年,主持或参与多项重大工程项目,具有丰富的工程与产业化经验。2019年Ali Zavabeti教授正式入职南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院。


Room-temperature liquid metals have a number of interesting surface and bulk properties that make them intriguing for scientific explorations and a variety of industrial applications. Co-alloying other elements into the gallium is shown to dramatically change the physical and chemical properties of liquid metals and the unique properties arising from different alloys set promising pathways for developing future technologies. As such, gallium-based eutectic alloys such as EGaIn (containing gallium and indium) and galinstan (containing gallium, indium, and tin) are liquid at room temperature, are nontoxic, and feature metallic bonds. The surface properties of gallium liquid metal alloys can be manipulated by selecting appropriate alloying elements on the basis of the Gibbs free energy of reaction. The surface is found to consist of atomically thin functional materials for emerging applications in microfluidics, 3D printing, flexible and stretchable electronics, piezotronics and electrochemical systems.
