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【材华讲坛】预告:Metastable Phases for Engineering Applications – Perspectives and Challenges


报告题目:Metastable Phases for Engineering Applications – Perspectives and Challenges

报 告 人:Jürgen Eckert 


报告地点线上腾讯会议ID:533 177 265




Jürgen Eckert教授,奥地利科学院院士,埃里希·施密德材料科学研究所所长,奥地利里奥本大学材料科学系教授。2006-2015,曾担任德国德累斯顿莱布尼茨固体材料研究所(IFW Dresden)复杂材料研究所所长,德累斯顿工业大学教授。主要研究领域包括材料物理,亚稳态材料,结构-性能的相关性以及先进材料的结构和物理特性。目前是奥地利科学院和欧洲科学院委员、材料研究学会(MRS)会员。曾获德国研究基金会的Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz奖,Deutsche Gesellschaft für MaterialkundeDGM)的DGM奖,欧洲研究理事会的ERC-Advanced GrantIS-MANAM高级科学家奖,中科院Hsun Lee奖等10余项,合作发表论文1100多篇。


In modern society, advanced materials are crucially important (e.g. for applications related to energy, safety, infrastructure, transportation, health, medicine, life sciences, IT). Contemporary examples with inherent challenges to be overcome are the design of ultrahigh specific strength materials. There is a critical need for successful developments in this area in particular for reduced energy consumption, reduction of pollutant emissions and passenger safety. Also, the ageing society makes biomedical materials for implant and stent design crucially important. A drawback of nearly all current high strength metallic materials is that they lack ductility (i.e. are brittle and hard to form) - or on the opposite side, they may be highly ductile but lack strength. Hence, it is mandatory to develop new routes for creation of tailored high performance materials based on hierarchical hybrid structures enabling property as well as function optimization. One starting point along these lines is the design of monolithic amorphous materials or bulk micro-, ultrafine- or nano-structured composite structures with intrinsic length-scale modulation and phase transformation under highly non-equilibrium conditions. This may include incorporation of dispersed phases close to or beyond their thermodynamic and mechanical stability limit thus forming hierarchically structured hybrid and ductile/tough alloys. Alternatively, the material itself can be designed to be at the verge of its thermodynamic / mechanical stability. Following this line of thoughts, this talk will present recent results obtained for ultrafine-grained, nanostructured or amorphous metallic hybrid structures with transformation effects at different length-scales and microcrystalline-grained hybrid structures based on elastic instabilities and modulated length-scale.
