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  2022年7月20日,法国国家科学中心Incerti博士,应我院耿长冉老师的邀请,做客“材华讲坛”,于腾讯会议为50余名师生进行主题为“Overview of the Geant4-DNA project”的线上学术报告。本次报告由耿长冉副教授主持。

 在本次研讨会中,Incerti博士概述了通用 Geant4 Monte Carlo 模拟工具包 (http://geant4.org) 的 Geant4-DNA 扩展 (http://geant4-dna.org)。 Geant4-DNA 最初由欧洲航天局提出,旨在从机理出发在亚细胞水平上模拟电离辐射对生物体的生物学效应,允许模拟辐照后生物环境中发生的物理、物理化学和化学阶段,特别是允许从生物靶标的简化几何形状预测早期 DNA 损伤。 Geant4-DNA 完全包含在 Geant4 中,可供科学界免费使用。



Sébastien Incerti is director of research at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3), in France. He is involved in the development of the open source Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit (http://geant4.org) for the simulation of particle-matter interactions. His research activities focus on the study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation in several application areas, including medical physics and space sciences, in particular for the Geant4-DNA project (http://geant4-dna.org) for which he has been the spokesperson since 2008. Since 2019, he is the scientific director of CNRS-IN2P3 for interdisciplinary science.
